Human Rights Policy.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights Policy

Curiosity: The Antidote LLC
Effective Date: 2/29/2024


At Curiosity: The Antidote, we recognize and affirm the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family as the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world. Our mission to transform lives and organizations through curiosity-driven solutions and evidence-based strategies is rooted in respect for the dignity of all individuals. We are committed to upholding human rights in everything we do, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for everyone we work with, including neurodivergent individuals and individuals with disabilities.

Our Commitment to Human Rights

Curiosity: The Antidote is committed to:

  1. Equality and Non-Discrimination
    We promote the equal treatment of all individuals, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, disability, neurodivergence, or socioeconomic status. We strictly prohibit any form of discrimination and are dedicated to fostering a space where diversity, in all its forms, is respected and celebrated.

  2. Support for Neurodivergent Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities
    Curiosity: The Antidote is committed to creating an inclusive environment where neurodivergent individuals and individuals with disabilities are valued and supported. We actively promote accessibility in our workplace and services, ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their neurological or physical differences, have equal access to opportunities, resources, and accommodations necessary for their success. We believe that embracing neurodiversity and the unique contributions of individuals with disabilities strengthens our collective capacity for creativity and innovation.

  3. Diversity and Inclusion
    We embrace and value diversity in all its forms. Our commitment to inclusion extends beyond just providing access—it involves creating an environment where every individual feels welcome, respected, and able to thrive. Curiosity: The Antidote actively works to ensure that our policies, programs, and workplace culture reflect our dedication to inclusivity, including specific efforts to ensure accessibility for individuals with disabilities and accommodations for neurodivergent individuals.

  4. Freedom from Harassment and Exploitation
    We uphold a strict zero-tolerance policy against harassment, exploitation, and any form of abusive behavior. Curiosity: The Antidote is dedicated to maintaining a workplace and service environment where all individuals—including neurodivergent individuals and those with disabilities—feel safe and respected. Harassment, whether verbal, physical, or psychological, will not be tolerated under any circumstances, and immediate action will be taken to address such incidents.

  5. Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Practices
    Curiosity: The Antidote is committed to providing a discrimination-free and harassment-free environment for all employees, clients, and partners. Discriminatory behavior based on race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, neurodivergence, disability, or any other protected category will not be tolerated. We will investigate all claims of discrimination and harassment thoroughly, ensuring appropriate action is taken. Victims of discrimination or harassment will have access to support services, and those who engage in such behaviors will be held accountable in line with our organizational policies.

  6. Freedom of Expression and Belief
    We support and encourage the freedom of thought, conscience, and expression. Every individual has the right to voice their ideas, opinions, and beliefs without fear of discrimination or retaliation, provided that such expressions do not infringe on the rights of others.

  7. Right to Privacy
    We respect and protect the privacy of all individuals and ensure that personal data is handled with the utmost care and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with their privacy, family, or correspondence.

  8. Access to Education and Knowledge
    Education is a fundamental human right, and we are dedicated to empowering individuals through access to knowledge and personal development. Curiosity: The Antidote ensures that our educational programs and coaching services are designed to foster growth and create opportunities for all, including those with disabilities and neurodivergent individuals, with tailored accommodations as needed.

  9. Fair and Decent Work Conditions
    We affirm that everyone has the right to work under just and favorable conditions. Curiosity: The Antidote ensures that all team members, partners, and contractors, including those with disabilities and neurodivergent individuals, are treated with respect, provided with fair compensation, and have access to a safe, accessible, and supportive working environment.

  10. Environmental Stewardship
    We recognize the right of all people to a healthy environment. Curiosity: The Antidote is committed to sustainable practices that protect the environment and support the well-being of present and future generations.

  11. Right to Rest and Leisure
    We affirm the importance of rest, leisure, and work-life balance. We encourage all team members and clients to prioritize their mental and physical health, ensuring time for personal reflection, growth, and rejuvenation, with sensitivity to the needs of neurodivergent individuals and individuals with disabilities.

  12. Access to Justice and Fair Processes
    We uphold the right to fair treatment, justice, and due process for all individuals. In cases of conflict or grievance, Curiosity: The Antidote is committed to resolving matters with transparency, fairness, and respect for the rights of all parties involved, including those with disabilities or neurodivergent conditions.

Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Procedures

  • Reporting Process:
    Any individual who experiences or witnesses discrimination or harassment, including those based on disability or neurodivergence, is encouraged to report the incident to the management team or an appointed representative. All reports will be handled confidentially, with respect for the privacy and dignity of the individuals involved.

  • Investigative Process:
    All reported incidents will be thoroughly investigated by an impartial party, ensuring fairness and transparency throughout the process. Immediate and appropriate action will be taken if a violation of this policy is confirmed, including disciplinary actions where necessary.

  • Support Services:
    Victims of discrimination or harassment, including neurodivergent individuals and individuals with disabilities, will be provided access to internal and external resources to support their well-being and recovery. We encourage any individual affected to seek the help they need.

Implementation and Accountability

To ensure that these principles are upheld, Curiosity: The Antidote will:

  • Conduct regular training for all team members on topics of diversity, inclusion, disability accommodation, neurodivergence, discrimination prevention, and harassment.

  • Actively monitor and review our workplace policies, programs, and collaborations to ensure they align with human rights standards.

  • Establish a clear reporting process for discrimination and harassment, ensuring incidents are addressed promptly and fairly.

  • Engage with our community, partners, and clients to foster an inclusive and respectful culture, with specific initiatives aimed at supporting neurodivergent individuals and individuals with disabilities.

  • Provide clear and accessible channels for individuals to raise concerns without fear of retaliation.


Curiosity: The Antidote is dedicated to promoting and protecting human rights in all aspects of our work. Our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and the elimination of discrimination and harassment underpins every aspect of our mission. By embedding these principles into the core of our business, we strive to create an environment where neurodivergent individuals, individuals with disabilities, and all people can flourish, driven by curiosity, creativity, and compassion.

We encourage everyone who interacts with our organization to speak out if they feel that their human rights are not being respected, and we promise to address such concerns with the utmost seriousness and care